The purpose for this section of my site: |
To answer some of your questions and to collect some answers from you in return.
Get your views on my methods - whether you agree or not :-)
Let others know about your good (or bad) experiences from equipment, suppliers, materials.
To offer helpful hints and useful links to web resources about etching and glass.
Please Note: If you could check through my previous Q&A pages before you email me with a question it would save me some time! I still get questions that I have already answered in previous versions.
If you have an etching question, email me, and I will attempt to answer it here, if I can't, or have no experience in it, I will post it under questions below. My answers are based upon personal experiences. There are many variables to consider when sand etching, I do not guarantee results, and assume that you take appropriate safety precautions when working with glass and sand etching or acid.
I may edit questions/responses for space. - I do appreciate hearing back from you whether my comments and suggestions are helpful or not.

Quick links for Version 13: Answers
| Questions | Responses | Hint | Useful Links
Previous Questions & Answers:
#1 -- #2 --
#3 -- #4 --
#5 -- #6 --
#7 -- #8 --
#9 -- #10 --
#11 -- #12 --
If you would like to be notified when this section of my site is next updated, simply type in your email address, and hit the send button:

Answers #13 from me:
While I do try and email people that have specific questions on etching, I really don’t have the time to answer questions like many I am getting lately:
“I'm interested in learning how to do mirror etching, could you help me.”
“Please tell me how to start etching glass, and what equipment I need.”
I have plans to write a couple of instruction booklets sometime in the next year or so, just go through my Q&A updates to find answers to questions like these - Thanks.
From S. Schuler:
From G. McDonald in Ontario:
From T. Hammond:
From Steve in England:
From Connie:
From P. Zawislak in Saskatchewan:
From Karen in Minnesota:
From Wally at AOL:
From J. Weers:
From P. Sistrunk:
From Andrew:
From R. Al-Akash, in Amman, Jordan:
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Questions #13 for you:
If you have information, or can answer a question for these etchers, email me, and
I will post it in Responses next version.
From M. Crawford in Ireland:
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Responses #13:
From G. Suggs in Cullman, Alabama:
From Debbie in Australia:
From D Cross:
From D Duquet - on scratches:
From D Duquet - For Sunil in Dubai, UAE:
From Donna - in New Jersey:
From J. Evans - in Johannesburg. Rep of South Africa:
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Hint #13:
The blasting booth that I made, has Plexiglas windows on the front - easy to replace once they get etched... To make them last much longer, I place a piece of thin plastic sheeting on the inside of the window, this will absorb most of the etch from the abrasive, instead of etching the window.
If you have a hint that you would like to pass on to others, you know what to here.
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Useful Links #13:
If you know of a link to a website or suppliers dealing with some aspect of glass etching, email me, and I will post it here next update.
Some suppliers for glass etching:
From G. McDonald in Ontario:
From E. Rohde in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin:
From Albert Lewis, at Art in Architecture Press:
From AAASuper:

'Til next time, then, Good luck, and Happy etching!
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