Questions and
Answers Version 12
April 6th, 1999
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Answers #12 from me:
From TIA in Singapore:
From D. Iacchelli, in Alberta:
From G. Lalonde, in Ontario:
"You as the artist/artisan, craftperson or whatever you call yourself will receive nothing if nothing is sold. Determining a
commission is a give and take negotiation. What can be negotiated? Usually the artisan negotiates for a percent of the sale
price. One side or the other determines the sales price or the approximate sale price, the buyer will be the final say of the final
sale price. The retailer knows how much each sq.ft. of his/her shop is supposed to generate over "x" period of time.
Remember if the art does not get sold no one gets any money, however the retailer loses (in terms of costs spent for utilities,
advertising and space rental costs). The artist still has her/his work of art ( to be sold at a future date). One way which works to
the benefit of both the artist and retailer is for the artist to establish a minimum price on the art.(MAP) The retailer would be
allowed to set the minimum sales price (MSP). The difference would be the commission (whatever the percentage turns out to
be, who cares?? everybody's happy).
Additionally the retailer may want to start the sale with a higher asking price(HAP) than the MSP. If the item is sold at any
price above the MSP the difference should be split between artist and retailer equally. If the item is sold at a price lower than
the MSP (that decision is the retailer's) the artist still gets her/his MAP. It works!"
The above seems reasonable to me, I do agree that there should be give and take by both parties, I find many things can't be just done 'by the book'.
From Sunil in Dubai, United Arab Emirates:
From Sherry in Mississippi:
From John in Canada:
From Jeff in Regina, Saskatchewan:
From I. Poland in Windsor, Vermont:
From C. McCartney, in Glasgow Scotland:
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Questions #12 for you:
From V. Carwile in Brandenburg, Kentucky:
From Louden:
From B. Edwards, Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
From J Steele in USA:
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Responses #12:
From Rick Kayter in Toronto, Ontario:
From John in Canada :
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Hint #12:
This update I decided that I'd give a hint for computers - as all you etcher's must use one to read this :-)
Back in February, I was sent an email attachment by the name of Happy99.exe - happily someone else had emailed me a month before, and told me that this file was a computer worm (a little different than a virus).
The first time the Happy99.exe file is executed, it displays fireworks. While doing this, it is infecting your system so that any outgoing Internet mail is infected with Happy99.exe.
If you have already viewed it, do NOT send any more e-mail or post messages to a newsgroup until it is removed from your system.
If you have any questions about this, go to: Happy99.exe Worm Virus doesn't make for Happy Computing.
If you have a hint that you would like to pass on to others, you know what to here.
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Useful Links #12:
If you know of a link to a website or suppliers dealing with some aspect of glass etching, email me, and I will post it here next update.
Some suppliers for glass etching:
From Doug Coleman:
Please consider adding a link to my glass blanks site... Images Glass Studio Thanks.
From Gary McDonald:
Sterling Glass Foundry, in British Columbia: Specializing in Unique Glass Designer Dinnerware, Gift Items, Trophies, Desk Accessories, and Custom Work.
From Jefferson Gilliam:
A new Discovery, the most innovated, comprehensive product of its time to enhance and revolutionize the resist industry. Last-A-Film - Imagine for one moment, a product [resist] so revolutionized that it will allow you to not only use it once or twice but 10, 20, 50, 200, and even 500 to possibly 700 applications.
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